High-energy States
1 min read

High-energy States

A concentration of points reveals concentric circles on a black background.
Crozat, B. (2022). "Spontaneous Brain" [Creative coding].

In quantum physics, a high-energy state is considered unstable because it tends to suddenly switch to a lower-energy state, releasing a lot of heat in the process (called spontaneous emission).

I suggest a parallel: when we humans tend to have a lot of concentrated energy (physical, sexual, emotional), we often try to get rid of it (through catharsis) to escape this unbearable heightened state. This then leaves us with lower energy and motivation to pursue our goals.

On the other hand, we might find ourselves wishing to have more energy in our daily lives. This is often addressed by framing it as an energy management problem: focusing on activities that energize rather than drain us.

However, instead of focusing on gaining more energy, maybe we should focus on managing the energy we currently have. In other words, be able to handle and maintain these high-energy states. Instead of seeking release from strong emotions, we might try to channel them into an activity that serves rather than deserves us.

We should learn to flow with high-energy states instead of trying to escape them.

I got this idea from a testimonial in the book 'Cupid's Poisoned Arrow' by Marnia Robinson.

Source: Marnia Robinson (2009). Cupid's Poisoned Arrow. North Atlantic Books.
