The Fast-Forward Test
1 min read

The Fast-Forward Test

If you could press a fast-forward button to instantly be at the end of any activity you are currently doing, how often would you do it ?

Think about it. There are many activities in your life that you may enjoy to a greater or lesser extend.
If you could skip that activity to get to the next one, would you do it ?
How many times per day would you press that button ?
And for which activities ?

Would you do it for your current job or studies ? For the time you spend with a given person ? And what about time you spend on your own ?

Your life is composed by what you do everyday, a myriad of colourful moments that add up to create a magnificent ephemeral artwork.

Using the fast-forward test can help you identify which activities you are not satifsfied with, so you can change them, and the ones you love, so you can do more of them!

Source: Ali Abdaal (Director). (2022, November 4). How To Build A Life You Love.