1 min read


A vision is how the mind softly shapes reality.

I was reading bell hooks' All About Love (1999) and stumbled across this quote:

'A vision articulates a future that someone deeply wants, and does it so clearly and compellingly that it summons up the energy, agreement, sympathy, political will, creativity, resources, or whatever to make that vision happen.'

Deliberately and carefully crafting a vision for my life has brought me closer to my dreams. I have traveled the world, studied exciting subjects, surrounded myself with amazing friends, found deep love, and created spaces worth living in – all because I envisioned these as possible realities.

Having these visions gave me hope, clarity, and courage.
I believe this is a deeper truth that may resonate with you.
Vision is creation. It is truth. It is hope. It is incantation.

As individuals, as communities, and as humanity, we may all benefit from regularly designing, sharing and revising our visions.

What is your vision for your own life? How do you want to relate with others? How do you wish to shape the world around you?

Reference: bell hooks. (1999). All About Love: New Visions. William Morrow Paperbacks.